Now you can also lose weight from Black Tea

Do you like to drink black tea? Have you become its etc? If so, do not worry, the researchers say that it can prove to be helpful in reducing your obesity. How to.

Black tea contains polyfenol, which helps reduce your weight.

So far it was known that the green tea that is polyphonol is more effective and it is more beneficial than the black tea polyphenol. However, new research suggests that consumption of black tea is not only good for health but also helps in reducing weight.

Researcher Henning says that the results show that both green and black tea have prebiatrics, which help in weight loss.

Studies published in the European Journal of Nutrition show that the team used the group of two rats. The first group was such that the rats had high weight and the amount of sugar was high. Black and green tea was flown to the second group.

It was found in both groups that the group that had consumed T had low levels of bacteria. However, the amount of diabetes that was found in rats containing black tea was found to increase. The results of the research say that it tells the difference between black and green tea.
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