Life Style

  • PNIB : Health Experts: by Dr. Lubna KamaalHealth and Care - Naturopathy :TURMERIC FOR SKIN- best Treatment Remedy for the Ageing effects. If you’re looking for a quick and easy kitchen remedies and natural skin care tips to keep your skin youthful and vibrant you’ve landed on the right page! As you age, your skin starts to lose its elasticity which causes it to sag and look less supple. For a nat...

  • The Caminho da Fe is one of the longest Catholic pilgrimage routes in the world, stretching 500km (310 miles) across south-eastern Brazil - it's also one of the newest. Bob Walker joined the faithful on their trek to Aparecida.There are many places you'd rather not be when a storm of biblical proportions breaks above your head. At the top of a tall building. Underneath a big tree. Or hopelessly l...

  • The group that calls itself Islamic State (IS or Isis) has a special punishment for gay people - it kills them by throwing them off high buildings. Taim, a 24-year-old medical student, tells the story of how he only escaped this fate by fleeing from Iraq to Lebanon.In our society, being gay means death. When Isis kills gays, most people are happy because they think we're sick.I first realised I w...

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